Software engineer (RD product development) 软件工程师(RD产品开发)
Apply software design theories and principles, perform work in research, (将软件设计理论和原理应用于研究)design and development of new or existing设计和开发新的或已有 products, tools and processes required for the operation, maintenance and testing of products(产品工具和过程维护测试)
. Modify existing software packages to fit unique customer needs and configurations(修改已有软件包适应用户需求)
. Carry out validation of successive versions of software(更新后续软件版本) to integrate with total system hardware (和系统硬件整合)
. Work with marketing to ensure the best possible commercialization of the product
. Degree /master /phD in software engineering or computer science related (学历要求 软件工程和计算机科学相关学科硕士或博士)
. No relevant experience is required for the position(职位不要求相关工作经历)
. Good knowledge of c/c++ programming on Microsoft Windows platform (掌握好C/C++在windows上的开发)
. Working knowledge of one or more of the following area is essential(下列领域至少一个是必要的)
1. System programming on any operating system (某种操作系统编程)
2. Object ORIENTED Analysis and design (面向对象的分析设计)
3. Concurrent / multi threading programming techniques (并行/多线程编程技能)
4. Web application, network protocol operations (TCp /Ip) technology (基于TCp/Ip的网络编程)
5. Real time Operating system programming (操作系统实时编程)
Company address (公司地址)
ASM technology Singapore pte Ltd
@ Tech-park Building 1 2 Yishun Avenue 7
Singapore 768924