国际矿山测量协会(ISM)主席Anatoly Okhotin教授来校作学术报告日期:2016-11-23 来源:安徽理工 作者:
11月21日下午,应科技产业处和测绘学院邀请,国际矿山测量协会(ISM)主席、Irkutsk National Research Technical University教授Anatoly Okhotin来校讲学,在新附2101教室为测绘学院师生作了题为《New technology of mine surveying and application》学术报告。测绘学院师生180人聆听了学术报告。报告会由测绘学院副院长徐良骥主持。
Anatoly Okhotin教授在报告中首先介绍了Irkutsk National Research Technical University,然后介绍了他所在的矿山与大地测量学院的专业发展历史、人才培养、科研方向以及测量仪器设备,并结合具体工程项目重点讲解了当前矿山测量的新技术及应用情况。报告会后,Anatoly Okhotin教授与学院师生们进行了热烈讨论,并盛情邀请师生参加2019年在Irkutsk National Research Technical University举办的第十七届国际矿山测量大会。
Resume:Anatoly Okhotin was born on 25.March.1958 in Irkutsk, Russia. After leaving secondary school he entered Irkutsk polytechnic Institute and graduated from it in 1980 with a degree in Mine Surveying. Since 1980 has been working at the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at first as an assistant, then as an associate professor, and at present as a professor. Since 2005 Anatoly Okhotin has been the Head of the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at Irkutsk National Research Technical University. He gives lectures on the following subjects: Mine Surveying, Subsoil Geometry, Higher Geodesy. Anatoly Okhotin supervises students and postgraduates research work in the field of Mine Surveying. He also promotes the international exchange programmes for the students and lecturers of the university. He is a member of the Central Council of the Russian Union of Mining Surveyors. Since 2013 till 2016 Anatoly Okhotin was a Vice-president of the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM). In September 2016 in the city of Brisbane he was elected a president of the ISM for the period of three years. Under his leadership air and terrestrial lidar surveys have been introduced in Siberia. He has also been the initiator of the introduction of the surveying outsourcing at mining enterprises in Russia. In November 2016 Anatoly Okhotin was entitled an Honorary professor of the Liaoning Technical University.
(撰稿、核稿:测绘学院 王磊、徐良骥 编辑、审稿:宣传部 夏雅凤、董淑平)